
Some really great indicators on Darlington, Florida Home Insurance Rates that can help get you great deals on your homeowners insurance.

Replacement Value of your home in Darlington, FL is the biggest driver of your coverage & home insurance.

Here is a list of replacement costs & home insurance for Darlington, FL & nearby areas

Place Typical Home Size Replacement Cost Monthly Home Insurance Cost
Darlington 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 2150 sqft $125,000 $248
Samson, AL 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,110 sqft $62,000 $96
Goodman, AL 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,660 sqft $87,000 $158
Miramar Beach 3 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,780 sqft $117,000 $228
Gantt, AL 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 960 sqft $56,000 $74
Cottondale 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,200 sqft $70,000 $89
Enterprise, AL 4 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,930 sqft $151,000 $295
Andalusia, AL 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,090 sqft $115,000 $102
Crestview 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,300 sqft $113,000 $122
Dozier, AL 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,630 sqft $93,000 $110
Freeport 3 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,310 sqft $138,000 $128
Opp, AL 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,110 sqft $55,000 $70
Malvern, AL 4 Beds, 3 Baths, 1,790 sqft $115,000 $155
Holley 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,380 sqft $91,000 $170
Carolina, AL 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,640 sqft $116,000 $179
Hartford, AL 4 Beds, 3 Baths, 3,400 sqft $254,000 $422
Whiting Field 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,440 sqft $102,000 $191
Niceville 4 Beds, 1 Bath, 2,020 sqft $166,000 $195
Escambia, AL 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,550 sqft $103,000 $184
Roeville 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,170 sqft $112,000 $168
Noma 3 Beds, 2 Baths, 1,460 sqft $67,000 $92

If your Darlington, FL home has prior claims, your insurance is likelier to be higher

Here are some typical claims filed in Darlington:

Claim Typical Claim Amount
SINKHOLE $140,000
WIND $10,000

Your Darlington, FL insurance agent (see examples below) can help with your claims.

  • State Farm: Jim Dickerson, 1225 us hwy 331 s, Defuniak Spgs, FL, 32435-3398 850-892-6111
  • Allstate: Brian Hawkins, 1066 us highway 331 s, Defuniak Springs, FL, 32435 (850) 892-2134

Your Background Impacts Your Home Insurance Quotes

Here is a list of Darlington, FL homeowners with differing backgrounds & their changing home insurance.

Employment Status Credit Score Income Level Other Details Monthly Home Insurance Rate
Freelancer Up to 499 Credit Score $25 to 50,000 2 Pets, Smoker $1,800
Full Time Job 600-649 Credit Score $25 to 50,000 3 Pets, Non-Smoker $650
Retired 750-799 Credit Score No Income More than 3 Pets at home, Smoker $890